Monday, March 5, 2007

Likes and Dislikes on Romeo and Juliet.

Maybe I'm just lame but I found more tihngs I disliked about Romeo and Juliet then likes.

In a nutshell, I thought Shakespeare had, for the most part, an interesting story line, and the way he worded it was amazingly original. But I found that the play-by-play was pretty lame. He was really cheesy and he made the charactors out to be pretty stupid. it was overexagerated. If I were to fall madly inlove with some 17 year old that I meet at this party, get married to him and then find out that our groups of friends can't stand each other, then on top of that find out that he killed on of my friends gets sespended from school, i'm not going to drop out of school because of it. Then is this guy were to find out that I dropped out of school then...i don't know it just seems a little of dramatic, but then again maybe thats what Skapespeare was going for. I don't know, I'm not him.

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Anonymous said...
